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Sri Lankan Swimming

I like a pool, a deep blue, serene swimming pool (green may suffice too), preferably of Olympic length, not because I want to swim laps in it so much, it’s just that a larger pool, when quiet and undisturbed, allows for epic reflections (and consequently good photos for Instagram, and possibly the odd reflection on the current state of the world, one’s current situation in life or other such murky depths). And of course the larger the pool, the greater the chance to break its placidity with a crashing run and jump. 

Hotel pools in Sri Lanka have been a treat in this regard. I am visiting just off-season, so I am having the pleasure of empty, peaceful swimming pools in exquisite settings; oases of calm and tranquility. Hello there, mirrored towering palm, and good evening opaque azure, mind if I plunge into you?

The best type of pool experience should include a poolside beverage – it is important, I find, while being submerged in liquid, to imbibe other liquids. It’s a question of balance. So, it is usually best to experience a hotel pool with a quenching cool beer, that would be a local Lion Beer here in Sri Lanka. A cocktail also passes muster. 

For a man lounging in the shallow end of a Sri Lankan pool, sipping the juice from a freshly cut coconut, Anton’s internal waters run remarkably deep. Allow him to bring his thoughtfulness to bear on your trip by contacting him here (once he’s dried off).

Hello there, mirrored towering palm, and good evening opaque azure, mind if I plunge into you?

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